I am so beyond excited because my family is coming soon. They leave Buffalo on Thursday around ten then plan to spend the night in Fredericksburg VA and finishing the trip Friday ( I didn't expect them to make it in one day, these are the same people who made us get a hotel ONE hour way from our destination). But anyways they arrive on Friday at around 2. I work, but it's just a teacher workday and I plan on spending it with Rachel, getting stuff done. I have lots of work to catch up on (such is the life of a school psychologist). It will be so nice to have something to do this weekend. Last weekend, Drew and I tried to keep busy, because otherwise we just stare at each other. Friday we watched movies and cuddled with Chloe (I love my little family) and I also assembled my easter baskets (partially). I did some of the candy and fillers, just missing the wine, and the frosted sugar cookies. For sugar cookies I used

The recipe found on this blog- http://www.foodiecrush.com/. It's completely fantastic and super easy. I found the cookie cutters in the $1 section in Target. I froze those along with cupcakes for my Sunday party.
These are the stickers I had made through an online sticker company.They are going on the mini wine bottles in the easter baskets! They say- Happy Easter! NC style, love Shea and Drew. I'm kind of obsessed with them!
The baskets were ordered from Garnish and are just fruit containers. They were .85 cents each and a cheap way to make sure everyone gets one! Inside will be
Jelly Beans
Easter Card
Wine Bottle
Sugar Cookies
Peeps skewers
They are a work in progress and they are yet to be finished but they will get there

Found these great apothecary jars at Michaels for 5 dollars each! I may have to go get a couple more. Sadly they WERE filled with candy, however, Drew has limited to no self control and takes a piece of candy every time he walks by....which is about 22 times a day. In the other glass jar are the cookie cutters I used- I'll post my final products later
I had to make sure I made the animals easter baskets from Chloe. For Rachel we have- Finn (Cat), Fat Cat, and Boomer(Dog), Emily has Maya(Dog) and Wyatt (Dog) and Emily's new "friend" (as my father would call him) has a cat named Simba. Chloe has been a very busy easter bunny!!

Hopefully it will be nice weather to eat out on the porch...and if not, that's ok. It's better than the 20 degree weather my family is dealing with!
Our Saturday out! We decided to actually leave the house this weekend. As with most weekends when we leave the house, the entire night revolves around food. Saturday was no different. I had been CRAVING Carrabba's Chicken Bryan so Drew and I decided thats were we were going. We even saw OZ The Great and Powerful (fantastic- I recommend it!)
It was sort of a cold night so I went with my old faithful sweater from Forever 21. I'm obsessed with my new mascara! I am also wearing 18 pounds of make-up to overcompensate for my stress acne which I have decided to develop. Does anyone know a good treatment for that? I already drink 16 glasses of water a day, eat healthy, and wash my face!
Look at my stud! He always drives on the weekends. We figure I drive all week (he works at home) so it's only fair! Wilmington is only 30 minutes away and it's nice to take a drive together. My parents have been together for 35 years and I swear one of their secrets is taking long rides together!
Drew thinks he looks "unnatural" when he fakes a smile...somehow I don't think this look is better. On our way into the movie! |
my favorite movie theater snack! I love these 12 dollar balls of chocolate gold (price may have been exaggerated) however two tickets, two snacks, and one water cost 40 dollars...I hate to seem cheap but COME ON!