Drew and I had a wonderful and busy weekend! As you may know this is pretty rare for the two of us, so were kind of relishing in it. Friday we decided to go food shopping and do some cleaning. We have our wonderful friends using our condo starting Wednesday and I prefer it to not be the ugliest place on earth! However, whoever built our condo was a sadist and decided to put WHITE carpet in a rental. Now were hardly messy people but you know were not perfect. So my wonderful boyfriend volunteered to rug doctor the entire thing. This consumed our entire friday lol...we're super cool! But it worked wonders and now I don't have to be embarrassed!

On Saturday I decided not to spend all day cleaning and went yard sale shopping (and some boutiques, I couldn't help myself) Below is my yard sale findings! I got a shelf (25 dollars at target, babycakes-cake pop maker-$25, Margarita set-40, and a cute basket) I spend 20 dollars on everything!! I can't believe it. Nothing was used and I took everything about of the bags and boxes!
You can see my new "treasure chest" as I have been calling it! I love it and it was 2 dollars!
I also couldn't help myself at one of my FAVORITE stores "Decorate you Soul" It has all the best beachie stuff! I bought this Williams-Sonoma book and a beautiful beach towel. It was more then all my yard sale stuff-but totally worth it!
Afterwords Drew and I got ready to go enjoy Wilmington. We had a couple drinks and then took the Ghosts of Wilmington tour! It is so fun! (we've already done it). But this time there were new stories that we didn't hear last time! Unfortunately It started to rain at the end...which made my already enlarged hair (humidity) even bigger...yay lol. After the tour was done, Drew and I went and bought a slice of pizza. On our way our, Drew casually says to me "hey look who it is" ummm Dan Akroyd was just walking the streets of Wilmington! So I needed to get a photo! Sadly I look awful but it's still cool! Fun Fact-Dan stayed in one of the haunted houses (Emma's house) in Wilmington...and that is where he came up with the idea for Ghost Busters!
And to finish all the weekend fun...we celebrated Cinco de Drinko (mayo) with some delicious Skinny Girl White Peach Margaritas! SO yummy!! Wish the weekend didn't have to end, but at least I get to leave on Wednesday for Graduation!