I spent today enjoying the beautiful weather and taking a nice beach walk. Honestly my job is very stressful. It's nonstop, fast paced, with lots of expectations and because I am who I am...that really gets to me. Walks help me so much just to clear my mind and feel god. Some times I am so disconnected from what is going on around me-between my phone, computer, ipad, and tablet. I forget that just sitting and connecting is so important. Here is what I found on my exploration today. Oddly, I've lived her for 9 months and didn't even know this part of the island existed lol.
Around 6pm...still gorgeous out! The waves weren't too crazy and there was a lovely breeze!
Washed up Crabby Friend! Poor guy :( but I thought his coloring was really cool!

I was just walking along and all of a sudden I saw this huge jelly fish! Clearly I screamed and got instant goosebumps...I love nature, but I do not often handle it well!!
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