The bane of my existence as of the last four weeks has been how awful our porch looks! And as it gets nicer and nicer outside I have been dying to go sit out on the porch and read my book. So on Sunday I decided to go to Lowes and get some supplies!

People always stare at me when I take photos of things in stores....but I needed to capture a picture of my supplies. I wanted really bright flowers that didn't require full sun (our porch as full sun in some spots but not all!)

Here is the before picture of our porch. I know it's not "awful" but I hate that it was wasted space. Plus we were just using it to store random things!
Chloe loves to come out here! She eats the food that falls off the grill lol...and clearly I don't stop her!
These buckets came from Target probably 5 years ago and they were always used for clothing storage at college. I think the colors are so fun and I wanted to use them to plant my flower in. Plus I only reserved 200 dollars for my porch renovation and wanted to be cost effective!

Here is my finished product and it cost about 150 dollars total! The "table" is a pallet I found and placed fabric on and purchased legs for.

We love it out here! At night the solar lights make it look so romantic and because it is in the 70's here at night it is perfect to sit outside and talk! I think it was money well spent!
In door/out door pillows are from Target...I think they make it much more fun and add a pop of color!
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