It's almost spring time, which makes me so happy. Not only does the weather start getting better but it's also my birth month. I know 26 is hardly old but I can't believe how fast each year goes really is unbelievable. Anyways, I'd like to actually feel good about my body by my birthday this year so I am trying to make some changes (unfortunately I just polished off a bag of salt n vinegar chips, so maybe it will start tomorrow?). I previously posted about the Julianne Hough dance DVD I bought. While I think she is adorable, that video is awful. Its for people at her level...not people like me who don't know what a double snake leg spin with a booty drop is.... I need a solid explanation of everything that she is doing, and unfortunately, that isn't there!
I also decided that because we lack the sunshine right now (it's here but it's not what I think of when I think south) I bought some products that give me a nice glow! I'll let you know if any of these actually do what they claim to do or if I look like a streaky ommpa lompa with bad hair and a bloated face.

Also, because I am going through this homemade phase I have decided I am going to make a body scrub! I found this one which looks great!! I don't have any essential oils unfortunately, but it's OK if it does not smell fancy...I just want it to work. I don't know if I can remember a year that my skin has been so dry. Even my lips have taken a beating!
I also found this organic homemade lip balm on this blog-
Food for my Family. I am going to give these a try as soon as I order the beeswax necessary and the containers-which this blogger found on amazon!
I have downloaded the Fitness App for iPhone. I am kind of obsessed with it. It does an awesome job of charting everything and making sure you stay on track so you don't guess how many calories you've had.
I've also thought about doing the Dr. Oz cleanse they keep showing on Pinterest.
Dr Oz: Slimdown Drink - Combine 1 C grapefruit juice, 2 tsp apple cider vinegar, and 1 tsp honey. Drink this combination before every meal. Apple cider vinegar helps you burn and break down fat. This drink combination also burns away your fat, literally. Drink it 3 x per day before meals.
And it has this picture with it...which is motivating all by itself!

(and if you're not
following me on pinterest you should be!)
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